Photo by Rosemarie Consuji

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Dr. Marjorie Neaderland

Dr. Neaderland is a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist providing specialty care, diagnosis and treatment, for horses with ophthalmic diseases as well as purebred dog OFA clinics and exams.


1975    University of Maine, Orono, Bachelor of Arts with high distinction

1976    University of Maine, Orono, Associates of Science with high distinction

1984    University of California, Davis, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

  • 1982 Achievement Awards for College Scientists

  • 1983 California Thoroughbred Breeders Association Award

  • 1984 Scheidy Prize for Pharmacology, Phi Zeta.

1985    Cornell University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Internship Small Animal Medicine and Surgery

1986    Stanford School of Medicine, Palo Alto , Ca. Basic Science course in Ophthalmology

1988    Cornell University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Residency in Comparative Ophthalmology

  • Residency research publication “Equine Corneal Healing”. 

1990    Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology

After completing her residency at Cornell, she returned to her home town, Norwalk , CT and opened her practice, Animal Eye Clinic (AEC), in the Norwalk Veterinary Hospital, where she practiced veterinary ophthalmology. In 1997, she joined Drs. Berkwitt, Nizlek and Ryan to open the first veterinary specialty hospital in Connecticut, the Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center (VREC) in Norwalk, CT. The Animal Eye Clinic moved into the VREC continuing to provide veterinary ophthalmology services for equines and companion animals . In 2013 the AEC was sold to Eye Care for Animals where  Dr. Marjorie Neaderland worked full time for 3 years then part time subspecializing in equine ophthalmology  and continue to perform OFA exams and clinics for purebred dogs. That relationship with Eye Care for Animals (ECFA) ended 6/31/19 when ECFA closed my practice of 30 years. The Animal Eye Clinic was recommissioned 7/1/2019, providing OFA exams and clinics for purebred dogs and allied with New England Equine Clinic in Patterson, NY, to provide equine ophthalmic services.

Dr. Marjorie Neaderland has been the veterinary ophthalmologist for Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Yorktown Heights, NY, since 1993, examining the eyes of all the dogs used for their breeding program annually and as an advisor working with their breeding specialists and veterinary team to maintain excellent ophthalmic health in their guide dogs. This relationship has been extremely rewarding.

While in active practice,  Dr. Marjorie Neaderland has published articles in veterinary journals (available upon request), presented talks at veterinary ophthalmology meetings, trained ophthalmology interns and supported the development of the Retinographics ERG bringing electroretinography into private ophthalmology practice.

Dr. Marjorie Neaderland is a member of the International Equine Ophthalmology Consortium, a group of equine practitioners, worldwide, devoted to advancing the knowledge of equine ophthalmology She is a devoted equestrian, balancing life to maximize time in the saddle.

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